Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So . . .
I keep on swearing that I'm going to stop converting records into CDs for people for a job - but for whatever reason I keep agreeing to do it. I think that deep down, I must be a masochist who is hiding under the guise of a really helpful person.
Just to fill you in - converting records to CDs is a MAJOR pain in the butt. First of all, you have to sit and wait for the whole record to play in real time to record it. Then, if you are trying to do a good (or even a decent job), you have to edit out the pops and clicks and whistles and such forth. Depending on the condition of the record, this could be really easy - or terribly time consuming.
Current record for number of click removed from one side of a record - 107,892.
Yeah. So, it takes awhile. And that is if your equipment is working properly - which in my experience is rather rare.
Everytime after I finish an order from someone I swear that I'm going to quit doing this. But then, inevitably I will get drawn back into it because for whatever reason, my brain does not seem to remember it being as annoying as it really was. This is quickly rectified when I actually start the process again.
As you may have guessed, I am currently converting some records onto CDs. Blaaargh!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Currently, I should be doing my homework. I realize this, but it does not mean that I particularly care.
When I started this blog yesterday, I thought that it would be a great tool for letting my family and friends know what I am doing. However, I am already noticing it's amazing potential as a procrastination aid so that I can not do the things that I really should be doing.
Since I can't afford cable TV, I have to draw my time frittering techniques from alternative sources.
Here is a list of current idling activities that I engage in instead of doing my homework:
  • Zelda
  • Smash Brothers
  • Making clothes (a note on this subject - I never tend to make clothes when I NEED clothes - only when I have a paper that is due)
  • Geocaching
  • Brushing and braiding my horse's mane and tail
  • Watching random things on the internet.
  • BUYING random things on the internet.
  • Posting random things on the internet.
  • Sitting on the couch staring aimlessly at the wall.
Ah yes. What a full life I lead.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I hate spiders. So I just squished the 3rd spider that I've seen in my house today, and I was thinking to myself, "self, why the hell did you move into a barn if you don't like spiders?". Having to deal with spiders has long been one of my least favorite horse-related activities, so I'm pretty perplexed as to why it never occured to me that I would have to deal with this sort of thing in my apartment.
I know, I know. It's a "girly" thing to be afraid of spiders. Well, let's just get one thing straight. It's not that I'm afraid of spiders - it's just that I intensely HATE them. I would be ok with them if they just sat in their little corner minding their own buisness and doing the bug eating thing. That's cool. That's TOTALLY cool.
No, my hatred of spiders comes from a personal space issue. I don't like it when spiders feel the need to be on my person. EXCUSE ME, I believe that is MY arm. I did not give you permission to be on my arm. . .
Anyway, this apartment has played temporary host to a cornicopia of different sized and shaped spiders - from the huge discusting hairy one that Hildegard killed (Praise GOD) two weeks ago to the little tiny guy that I just squished as he ran across my keyboard. They have been in my shoes, in my car and on my face when I wake up. I HATE SPIDERS.
The worst part of all of this, is that I never feel like I can actually KILL the spiders in good concious. I always feel so bad! If I had a more heroic or in general brave nature, perhaps I would carry them outside on a piece of paper. I tried that once. It ran up my arm and I had to squish it.
So any and all spiders out there, consider this your offical notice - If you come into my house, I WILL have to squish you. I'm sorry. I don't make the rules. Well, ok, really I do - but I don't LIKE them. This will hurt me more than it hurts you. Really.