Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Asinine Discoveries/I have a crazy life:

My digital camera is a piece of shit.

So today I went to see Pete Ellefson premier the new David Maslanka trombone concerto. It was a great piece - albeit a little long - and Pete did a great job with it.

I was supposed to be taking pictures of Pete performing with the ensemble. I sat all the way in the back left corner of the balcony so as not to attract attention to myself. Then I carefully turned off the flash and noises on my camera and then sat in wait of a good shot. I mostly just took pictures before and after the piece so as not to disturb the folks around me. Little did I know that I was about to really disturb anyone within eye-shot of me. . .

So, all was going pretty well although my camera was behaving pretty badly and doing some weird things, but I was quietly getting a couple of pretty good shots when I managed to hold still enough to deal with the lack of flash. Nothing could have prepared me for what followed.

All of the sudden during a quiet moment of the second movement, my camera went absolutely bonkers. The flash started going off on it's own in my lap like a strobe light. I wasn't even touching it! I grabbed the camera, and put my hand over the flash while I tried to figure out what sort of demon had possessed the damn thing. The flash wouldn't stop - and let me tell you - this is one unnecessarily bright flash. Finally I had to sit on it while I fumbled to take out the batteries, to the great amusement of those around me.

Pete saw it, and looked up in my direction (he was luckily not playing for almost a minute after this).

And so I was mortified.

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