Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feeding the Addiction:

So, compliments of friend, freestyletacet I have found a new website called Ravelry. It's basically a social networking site for yarn-arts junkies.

The site has lots of folks involved and is fun and inviting.
The site has lots of free patterns.
There are links to great yarn stores nationwide.
There are blogs.
There are help forums.

The site has lots of folks involved and is fun and inviting.
The site has lots of free patterns.
There are links to great yarn stores nationwide.
There are blogs.
There are help forums.
And I'm wasting WAY too much time there!!!

I, myself, am primarily a crocheter. Do I knit? Well, sort of. I can make boxes - and even scarves! (read, loooong box) Usually, I knit just enough to get to crochet. Want a sweater? Ok, I'll knit a couple of boxes and make it into a sweater by crocheting the pieces together. Yes, that's just how untalented at knitting I am.

Because of this, in the past I've gotten away with not starting new projects because I purposely avoid looking at new patterns from which to get ideas. Knits are always fashionable - but crocheted pieces are usually lace (too time consuming) or too bulky (read, ugly) to be of any interest for me to try to reproduce. Plus, I really don't know other crochet junkies because knitting for some reason seems to be much more "en vogue", (read, popular in the fringe society of people who enjoy doing repetitive tedious motions in the hopes of getting something vaguely wearable) The end result of this, is that I spend my time doing things like working, practicing, getting stuff done, etc.

Now enter Ravelry: So, all of the sudden, my interest is piqued by a few patterns - and I buy some yarn online . . . . now I'm trapped back in the addiction because I have more ideas for projects than I could possibly ever have time to get to. Shit. Freestyletacet, what have you done to me??!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the glorious sound of another person getting sucked into the fold. I regret nothing.

    Have you seen my queue? Easily a year's worth of knitting. It's laughable.

    < coughcheckyourlinkscough >
