Sunday, April 22, 2007

So, last night after the Big Band Extravaganza, I did a very inadvisable thing. My mom and brother were in town, and they are really big geocachers. (For you geocaching muggles out there, geocaching is like going on a treasure hunt with a GPS device - usually in the woods) There are several caches in close proximity to my place, so we thought it would be good fun to go out and look for them. I called friend Sara, and we all decided to go out to Lake Monroe to Walk Pate Hollow trail and look for caches with delightful names like "Master Pater."
Now, here is the clincher - we LEFT at 1 am, and then proceeded to walk 5 miles of trail. In the wee small hours of the morning. This morning, my body hates me for two separate and distinct reasons.
Reason 1: I walked 5 miles last night.
Reason 2: We got home at 5:30 am. 5:30 AM!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Here is a random call that I got today from a number that is my Dad's cell number. This, however, was most certainly NOT my Dad. Nor were there any references to ANYTHING that had anything to do with anything. AND my Dad apparently has his cell phone. Seriously weird, yo.

"Hi it's me, ummm. . .
It is extremely windy here. There is dust . .everywhere... trees down . .everywhere, including. . . . ours. A major half, uh, of the tree in the front came down. . . just twenty minutes ago. Scared the shit out of the cats. uh. Found mickey under my comforter in the bed. Uh. I arrived like five minutes after it happened. Uh. Izzy seemed to take it in stride - but he was under the covers and theres a whole entire front yard is covered in tree. And The city says it might be a day or two before they get out because they have trees downall over the city. So it looks like, well, man, um of course what that means is that I'll have to use more air conditioning this summer - because there goes my shade. . . .
anyway. . . . . . . talk to you later . . . bye"

Who the HELL is that?? How are they using my Dad's number? WHY are they calling me?!

I think the aliens are onto me. . .

Monday, April 09, 2007

Why do they add so much sugar to instant oatmeal packets? I have to add another packet of plain just to make it edible. Maybe I should get get plain.
Food for thought . . .

In other news,
I found myself deeply amused today by a high school conversation I saw on Facebook between my brother and a few of his friends that have, for some reason, decided to add me as their friends. One of them posted one of those stupid chainmail things that tries to use God as leverage to get you to perpetuate the email. Of course, this is the sort of post that has a whole list of obvious rhetorical questions posing as deep and profound thoughts - and then says things like, "of course, only people who really love God will send this on - remember God is watching you!"
And, of course, this makes a few people pretty upset.
My brother starts ranting about how a post like that is SPAM - and spamming is ILLEGAL - and God would NEVER want you to go something illegal.
Then an emo kid decides to answer all of the rhetorical questions "a-la-nietzsche".
Ahhh... the sweet smell of drama in the morning.
I will LOVE to see how far this goes.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's been forever since I last posted because life sort of just exploded at me. Which is fun?

Here is the skinny on the thoughts currently occupying my mind:
  • A 24% tuition increase is cramping my style for next semester - I'm not sure I'll be coming back to IU because I'm sort of spent on the whole loan thing. Won't know for sure if I will be here until April 27th.
  • I absolutely hate where I live. It's a constant source of drama and general stress.
  • My horse has been mysteriously losing weight, I can't quite figure out why. To date I have spent a few hundred dollars thus far with things like getting his teeth floated, etc.
  • Due to the high cost of where I am currently living and the sudden horse expenses, I have no money for things - like food.
  • I sprained both ankles last week.
  • I got hit by a car in a parking lot thursday and my left knee hurts now to compliment the ankles. (Hit and run, of course)
  • Boys. Enough said.
  • 20 page paper due.
  • 2 Professional auditions coming up next month. (Oregon and Honolulu)
  • Recital in three weeks.
So.. basically, I'm going crazy constantly. It's not like my life is BAD right now - it's just stressful. Really unbelievably stressful. And it's sort of affecting my productivity and my relationships.
I'll post soon on the hilarious saga that is my less-than-romantic life. Should be good for a laugh or three.