Sunday, April 22, 2007

So, last night after the Big Band Extravaganza, I did a very inadvisable thing. My mom and brother were in town, and they are really big geocachers. (For you geocaching muggles out there, geocaching is like going on a treasure hunt with a GPS device - usually in the woods) There are several caches in close proximity to my place, so we thought it would be good fun to go out and look for them. I called friend Sara, and we all decided to go out to Lake Monroe to Walk Pate Hollow trail and look for caches with delightful names like "Master Pater."
Now, here is the clincher - we LEFT at 1 am, and then proceeded to walk 5 miles of trail. In the wee small hours of the morning. This morning, my body hates me for two separate and distinct reasons.
Reason 1: I walked 5 miles last night.
Reason 2: We got home at 5:30 am. 5:30 AM!!

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