Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's been forever since I last posted because life sort of just exploded at me. Which is fun?

Here is the skinny on the thoughts currently occupying my mind:
  • A 24% tuition increase is cramping my style for next semester - I'm not sure I'll be coming back to IU because I'm sort of spent on the whole loan thing. Won't know for sure if I will be here until April 27th.
  • I absolutely hate where I live. It's a constant source of drama and general stress.
  • My horse has been mysteriously losing weight, I can't quite figure out why. To date I have spent a few hundred dollars thus far with things like getting his teeth floated, etc.
  • Due to the high cost of where I am currently living and the sudden horse expenses, I have no money for things - like food.
  • I sprained both ankles last week.
  • I got hit by a car in a parking lot thursday and my left knee hurts now to compliment the ankles. (Hit and run, of course)
  • Boys. Enough said.
  • 20 page paper due.
  • 2 Professional auditions coming up next month. (Oregon and Honolulu)
  • Recital in three weeks.
So.. basically, I'm going crazy constantly. It's not like my life is BAD right now - it's just stressful. Really unbelievably stressful. And it's sort of affecting my productivity and my relationships.
I'll post soon on the hilarious saga that is my less-than-romantic life. Should be good for a laugh or three.

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