Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bad Marketing:

I found this advertisement for a "career" at McDonalds while watching episodes of the Colbert Report online. How likely do you suppose it is that folks who regularly watch the Colbert Report actually fit into this target demographic? It seems to me that the majority of people who enjoy watching the show might just be more inclined to make fun of it. Why, I'm about to do that right now!

I think the thing that most strikes me about this ad is how the left seems to be an advertisement for a community or small public college telling you how they can prepare you for you for the career of which you've always dreamed. This is starkly contrasted with the "McDonald's" sign on the right. I don't know about you - but when I think of the LAST place I would consider working with two degrees, McDonald's is the FIRST place that comes to mind."

I am suddenly reminded of that Saturday Night Live commercial from back in the 90's. "What will your family do when you are gone? Start planning for their futures - LOTTO."

I realize that McDonald's is probably trying to change precisely that impression. The real humor lies in how poorly they are accomplishing that mission. They are showing this ad to a demographic that, last time I checked, is made up primarily of college students and young professionals. So essentially, they are showing this ad to a group of people for whom the idea of working at McDonald's is their ultimate nightmare of failure. Telling this demographic that they can "maximize their full potential" at McDonald's is probably more likely to scare them than to inspire them! In addition, there is not a single reason given on the sign to inform me why my opinion of employment at McDonald's might be wrong or outdated. Come on folks, know your demographic!

Therefore, I give McDonald's the same advice I gave the movie "Gracie":
Fire. Your. Publicist.

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