Monday, April 28, 2008

Well, crisis averted.
Although Goro still has my pie pan, I was able to convince Eeyore, The Prince Of Darkness to bring over his pie pan at 11:30 pm in exchange for some fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies.
And thus, my pie was saved.
Here is a picture.

Goro, I still need that pie pan.

And everyone? I still need that stunt kite.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cookies - reincarnate.

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning? Make some cookies. Before breakfast even.

This time, it was personal.

The result?

The best cookies I have ever made. And I'm not exaggerating. Here they are:

These are finally just the way I remember my mom's tasting. (Hey MOM, you haven't made me cookies in FOREVER!!) :)

Mine have always been good - and they've been close to what mom does, but it's never been exactly the same cookie. This time - I NAILED IT.

Now if only I can reproduce it. . . . .
A Day Of Lament

I messed up my own cookies.
I repeat.
I messed up my own cookies.

I can't believe it.

I was so embarrassed I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide.

An epitaph for my cookies:

Oh eggs,
Where were you when my cookies needed you most?
You were lying next to the mixing bowl
Instead of in the batter
Now the cookies are lying
In a dumpster
On Covenanter Lane

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I had a great day today, dammit. And I just want everyone to know.

Times have been really rough for me lately because of rampant injuries, interpersonal relationship stresses, and major financial problems. However, many of those things are looking like they are working out for the good. . . .

Item #1: I got paid today! From three different people who have been owing me money!!

In celebration of me having money with which to buy food, Goro and I went to Sahara Mart where I was able to buy essentials to last me for the rest of the month. I'm still pretty tight financially, but at least I have just enough to buy what I need and to get a hair cut!!!!! I was thrilled. I only got a trim, so no one noticed - but I think my hair looks better. Which is, I suppose, in the grand scheme of things all that matters anyway.

Item #2: It doesn't look like I'll be needing surgery for my left hand!

I gained a lot of mobility with the finger today and the swelling went down. Whew!

Item #3: I sounded like a bad-ass on the trombone for the first time since I hurt my shoulder. And with witnesses even!

Item #4: I. Have. Awesome. Friends. They listen to me whine. They help me solve my actual problems. They cheer me up, buy me a whole package of cupcakes when the vending machine eats my money, take me out for dinner and go out of their way to cart my ass around town. No one has any right to ask for better friends than I have. For reals.

The B.F., Goro, Brover John, and Ken - I present you with this trophy for your awesome friend-itude. Treasure it forever.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Left Side of My Body is Cursed.

I'm sure of it. As I'm lying here in bed trying to find a sleep position that keeps my left hand above my heart while simultaneously trying not lying on my left shoulder, it occurs to me that everything happens to me on my left side. This has gone back as long as I can remember (with the exception of the 3 side neutral times I cracked my chin open).

Here is a list of all the major problems/injuries I've ever had:
  1. Born with broken left shoulder blade
  2. Scissors dropped in left eye
  3. All skin on left knee removed by falling on a piece of glass.
  4. Hit by a car - broke both bones in lower left leg.
  5. Middle toe on left foot broken by a horse stepping on it.
  6. Improperly done filling causes improperly done root canal causes tooth removal and subsequent tooth replacement on a left molar.
  7. Otoschlerosis on the left side.
There is the history. Noticing a trend? Even minor injuries tend to favor that side!

Here are the things that are currently wrong with me:
  1. Left shoulder messed up from playing too much trombone. (as of 3 weeks ago)
  2. Left foot has 4 inch long cut on sole from slipping in shower. (as of this morning)
  3. Left palm got a knife stuck almost all the way through it while doing dishes. And now it's all swollen and I can't really move my ring finger. (as of this evening)
But in happy news, my right side feels GREAT! :p