Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cookies - reincarnate.

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning? Make some cookies. Before breakfast even.

This time, it was personal.

The result?

The best cookies I have ever made. And I'm not exaggerating. Here they are:

These are finally just the way I remember my mom's tasting. (Hey MOM, you haven't made me cookies in FOREVER!!) :)

Mine have always been good - and they've been close to what mom does, but it's never been exactly the same cookie. This time - I NAILED IT.

Now if only I can reproduce it. . . . .


  1. Hey, Jen!

    I haven't talked to you in a super-long time, but I was wanting to send you something in the mail...

    What's your address?


  2. Can I have your instruction to make this Cookie or It is a secret ;)
