Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas Benton!

So, I decided to make a cute little stall plaque for the one poor horse (Benton) that lives in the barn by himself. None of the other horses come in at night... so it seems kind of strange to me that MY horse who never comes in has this beautiful little stall plaque that my cousin made for me... but Benton has no such sign on his stall.

Anyway.. I thought that it would be a good idea to make Benton a little sign with his name on it to match Sierra's... How hard could it be? Well, if there is one thing that I should know about myself by now.. it is that I am NOT a perfectionist . . . well . . . at least not when it comes to arts and crafts.

When I finished, I thought it looked pretty good and all . . . but when I took it outside and hung it on Benton's stall, I realized that actually, it looked pretty second rate as long as there was Sierra's to compare it to. Oh well.

So I thought that I would post some pictures so that you can compare and contrast:

Sierra's Plaque:
  • Made of nice quality wood
  • Wood has been polished and lacquered
  • Handsome Brass Hangings
  • Cute pose for horse
  • Name in professional looking letters

Benton's Plaque:
  • Made of wood literally pulled out of a dumpster because it was the right size
  • Wood has been sloppily sanded to prevent splinters, but not polished or lacquered.
  • Handsome nails pounded into the top of the plaque with yarn tied around it for hangings. Works fine now.. but they'll have to CUT that off the stall.
  • Horse was in quarter horse pose.. but when compared to the Sierra plaque he just looks sad or lethargic.
  • Letters look vaguely like someone printed "BENTON" out of Microsoft Word in Times New Roman font, then traced the letters . . . poorly . . . onto the plaque

Oh well . . . supposedly it is the thought that counts. Hopefully they like it.
Merry Christmas, Benton!

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