Monday, January 01, 2007

Adventures in Boredomland
Well, this has been a rather exciting week for me. Not because I actually DID anything.. but because I really DIDN'T do a blasted thing. I had a really bad ear infection and couldn't play the trombone, so I decided to take time off and do the things that I've been wanting to do.
Here is a list of things that I did with my free time:
  • I created a replica of my horse Sierra. For your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of my horse next to a picture of the replica: Yes, that is real hair from my actual horse on that replica.

How long has this been on my want -to-do list? 2 years.

Milhaud! NOOOO!! Run Sierra, Run!
  • I also made Kolache - a Czech pastry. Amusingly enough, I thought that this had been a family recipe - turns out, it was a recipe modified by my Grandmother that she got out of a Betty Crocker cookbook. Oh well. Despite that slight let down, the recipe remains the "Holy Grail" of my family cooking. When I called and asked for the recipe, both my mother and grandmother expressed disbelief at my abilities to make this dish. Well, here it is - proof that they turned out.
How long has this been on my want-to-do list? - 6 years. It felt good. Also tasted good.

In other news:

  • I was able to play the new Zelda game that my brother got me for Christmas. Hopefully, I will be able to resist the urge to play it incessantly.
  • I cleaned my kitchen. Really well.
Yeah... that's pretty much all I've done this week. I can't even begin to express to you how good it feels to have had a vacation! Ahhhhhh.

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