Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Few Random Thoughts:
  • First and foremost on this list is the strange fact that I again am faced with not being able to sleep in my own apartment. I'm not really sure why, but coming home at night in and of itself has been causing me a considerable amount of trepidation all week - not to mention sleeping at night. Nothing has really changed since then - the landlords still occasionally come in unannounced, etc - but it is no more than usual. I have no idea why I have suddenly had this increase in paranoia. Current sleeping strategy - watch funny videos until I literally can't hold my eyes open anymore. Unfortunately lack of sleep is seriously starting to effect my mood.
  • I shampoo-ed my carpets in the downstairs portion of my home today - compliments of Brett a) loaning me the machine to do it with and b) moving my furniture around for me. They were DISGUSTING. I'm probably going to do it all again once it dries. You should have seen the color of that water. Seriously gross. A thought - there were two stains that were in the rug when I moved in. Supposedly, the carpets had been "professionally cleaned" when I moved in - amazing how a 120 dollar 12 volt Bissell vacuum can magically get both of them out without a problem. Riiiight. I LOVE it here.
  • Went fishing. Caught nothing other than very small bluegills. Boo. Although I did find out that my fishing poll has this annoying habit of coming apart and launching the top half along with the lure. I had to go into the lake after it not once - but twice. Magical.
  • Exercised. My body already hates me for it. Oh well. Every journey must begin with a single step - or in this case, an ill-advised flying leap.

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