Friday, May 18, 2007

Sierra's Most Favorite Day EVER!!

Ok, that's a sarcastic comment if I ever saw one. I've been putting off doing a lot of summer-y type things to my horse until I had help and had the time. Today, I realized that it was never going to work out like that, so I decided to take my life in my hands and attempt to do everything without a spotter. As you can see, I clearly survived because I have the world's most amazing horse. For reals.

Here is the list of things that I subjected my horse to today:

  • Vaccinated for Tetanus, Encephalomyelitis, Influenza (both eastern and western) and Rabies. Yes, that involves me giving a 1500 lbs. animal 2 shots. Luckily, he didn't move an inch. (Those of you who knew Sierra a few years ago will most likely be completely shocked by that - but it's true.)
  • Then I dewormed him. (Involves stuffing a paste tube down his throat and forcing him to swallow it)
  • Then I bathed him with Dove Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner. The hose was only 3 feet long because this is the most poorly conceived barn in the history of mankind. It is kind of like DEATH in the Terry Pratchett novels - they have seen enough barns to know what it should LOOK like - but don't understand how they are used, so they mess it up and make it completely unusable. I managed to get him to stand right next to the hose and stand still, thank God.
  • THEN I bathed him with a Providone-Iodine scrub to treat the minor bacterial infection that I found on his butt and backlegs. Damn warm climates. . . .
  • As if that wasn't traumatic enough for a horse, I then subjected him to a sheath cleaning. Those of you who have never heard of this - just think about it for awhile. It is my most favorite thing to do - and his, believe me. (Again with the sarcasm)
  • After this, I rounded his hoofs off with a hoof file file and moisturized them since it has been very muddy out lately.
  • And trimmed his bridal path.
  • Brushed out his mane and tail . . .
  • For a finale, I then pulled out 6 ticks that had embeded around his anus and treated it so it wouldn't get infected.
He was so relieved when I turned him loose, the poor guy! He was a real sport though. He was ALMOST entirely perfect - and didn't even kill me or him when the gate came off it's hinges and fell on us. (best barn ever!!!)


  1. Damn. Your horse is hardcore! Like, any other animal would totally flip out.

  2. Yeah - and just think - he was WILD when I got him. . .
