Monday, May 28, 2007

So, this is kind of an old post
But I found it humerous enough to post anyway now that I have the required picture to tell the story. The weekend that I went to my friend Mandy's wedding also happened to be Mother's Day weekend. Because of the theft of my wallet - I had absolutely no accessible monies with which to buy my poor mother a present. My dad had given her the pretty cool gift (for once) of a digital camera. (On a side note, my favorite "Dad gift giving blooper" is between the ScoobyDoo calendar or the paper shredder - he is not usually very good at this game. . .) Mom was really excited about it, but lamented the fact that it did not come with a carrying case. Then the fates revealed to me that I could, in fact, get her a mother's day present - because I, dear readers, am a crocheting animal.
So on our way out of town, we stopped at Walmart and I had her pick out and (unfortunately) buy a skein of yarn, which I then turned into the amazing camera carrying case you see below:

And yes, she picked the camo yarn. Only my mother. . . ;)

1 comment:

  1. and the fact that it doesn't look like a camera case makes it less likely to be stolen. ...if your mother were to actually leave it unattended....
